black, serial number 1171203, body F-G, some brassing to top and bottom plate, advance lever slightly stiff to operate, metering responds to light but not properly tested with a new battery, shutter works, with Zuiko f/2.8 135mm lens, barrel G, iris works, optics F-G with light dust and a small patch of peripheral fungus to the rear element, with motor winder, untested, instructions and caps.
Sold for £50
Result plus buyers premium
black, serial number 1171203, body F-G, some brassing to top and bottom plate, advance lever slightly stiff to operate, metering responds to light but not properly tested with a new battery, shutter works, with Zuiko f/2.8 135mm lens, barrel G, iris works, optics F-G with light dust and a small patch of peripheral fungus to the rear element, with motor winder, untested, instructions and caps.
Auction: Cameras & Scientific Auction, 27th Aug, 2024
Our August camera and scientific auction will showcase our standard array of cameras, lenses, accessories, microscopes, scientific instruments and HiFi. This auction will have something for everyone with lots with low starting bids and some lots with no reserves.
There is still time to consign items for this auction, so please contact us here.
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