26th Apr, 2023 10:00

The Collectors Sale

Lot 150

A Selection of Three SLR Cameras

comprising a Pentacon FB camera, chrome, serial no.451600, with a Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/2.8 50mm lens, mirror stuck up, shutter curtains not opening, a Minolta SRT303b camera, chrome, serial no.3313346, with an MC Rokkor-PG f/1.4 50mm lens, shutter working and an Olympus FTL body, chrome, serial no.106630, shutter not working, with maker's ever ready case

Sold for £100

Result plus buyers premium


comprising a Pentacon FB camera, chrome, serial no.451600, with a Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/2.8 50mm lens, mirror stuck up, shutter curtains not opening, a Minolta SRT303b camera, chrome, serial no.3313346, with an MC Rokkor-PG f/1.4 50mm lens, shutter working and an Olympus FTL body, chrome, serial no.106630, shutter not working, with maker's ever ready case

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