A Malby & Son 6in Terrestrial Table Globe
by Malby & Son, Houghton St Newcastle St. Strand London 184, an eight inch terrestrial table globe, circa 1848, on a turned French polished mahogany triform base, lacquer to globe with some scratches and a continuous rub mark around the circumference to the foot of South Africa, part of Asia’s raised area with cracks, cartouch reads ‘Malby’s Terrestrial Globe, Compiled from the latest & most authentic sources, including all the recent Geographical Discoveries, Manufactured and Published under the superintendance of the society for the diffusion of useful knowledge’, 36cm tall
Sold for £540
Result plus buyers premium
by Malby & Son, Houghton St Newcastle St. Strand London 184, an eight inch terrestrial table globe, circa 1848, on a turned French polished mahogany triform base, lacquer to globe with some scratches and a continuous rub mark around the circumference to the foot of South Africa, part of Asia’s raised area with cracks, cartouch reads ‘Malby’s Terrestrial Globe, Compiled from the latest & most authentic sources, including all the recent Geographical Discoveries, Manufactured and Published under the superintendance of the society for the diffusion of useful knowledge’, 36cm tall