1997, 1.4 megapixels, with an Olympus AF Zoom f/2.8-3.9 9.2-28mm lens, body E, with packaging and accessories
Note: Lot imported under Temporary Admission. 5% UK import VAT will be charged on the ‘hammer’ and 20% UK VAT will be charged on the ‘buyer’s premium’ and invoiced on an inclusive basis under UK Margin Scheme rules.
1997, 1.4 megapixels, with an Olympus AF Zoom f/2.8-3.9 9.2-28mm lens, body E, with packaging and accessories
Note: Lot imported under Temporary Admission. 5% UK import VAT will be charged on the ‘hammer’ and 20% UK VAT will be charged on the ‘buyer’s premium’ and invoiced on an inclusive basis under UK Margin Scheme rules.
Auction: The Collectors Sale, 26th Apr, 2023