20th Oct, 2017 12:00

Fine Photographica

Lot 398

A W. Watson & Sons Mahogany Quarter Plate Monorail Lab Camera

1890, internal flap shutter, with W. Watson & Sons Holostigmat Series I f/11 4½" lens, brass, serial no. 2659, body, G, replacement rail rod and clear glass screen fitted, lens, G-VG, some light cleaning marks, with one DDS, together with a spare front and rear standards; Marked to camera and lens 'B.L.U.S' and to top 'W. Watson & Sons Ltd, Manufacturers, 313, High Holborn; London'

Sold for £276

Result plus buyers premium

1890, internal flap shutter, with W. Watson & Sons Holostigmat Series I f/11 4½" lens, brass, serial no. 2659, body, G, replacement rail rod and clear glass screen fitted, lens, G-VG, some light cleaning marks, with one DDS, together with a spare front and rear standards; Marked to camera and lens 'B.L.U.S' and to top 'W. Watson & Sons Ltd, Manufacturers, 313, High Holborn; London'
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